Tangent is a team of behaviour transformation and communication coaches specialising in relationship management, team and human dynamics. We provide organisations with the tools to transform organisational effectiveness by instilling positive changes to the interpersonal behaviour of individuals and teams at all levels.
We simply don’t do “off-the-shelf!” At Tangent we focus on real behavioural change. We establish the ‘why to’ first before ever venturing near the ‘how to”. We look at outcomes rather processes. Our philosophy? Transform Behaviour to Transform Results.
Drawing on extensive research, we help to transform the following:
Management Teams – to transform leadership capability, staff engagement, conflict management, business and personal stress resolution and maximising people development
Sales Teams – to transform strategic account development, understand buyer motivation, territory penetration, interpersonal behaviour, presentation and negotiation
Call Centre and Customer Service Teams – to transform call conversion, service levels, customer retention and service differentiation
Departmental and Cross Functional Teams – to transform communication, cooperation, process improvement and team building
Performance Coaching – to determine personal and practical strategies to transform behaviour and transform results
Our adaptable blend of training, coaching, profiling and consultancy ensure se keep results firmly in mind.
To find out how we can help you to transform, contact our coaching team via Simon Williams on Telephone number 01491 835650, Mobile 07802 478817 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.